Posts for DrBaldhead

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(This post used to explain an old and known cheat I somehow happened to have never heard about. Unfortunately, it doesn't help at all.)
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These sprites and sounds give me Lovecraft vibes. Although I'm no expert, I love ZX. Yes vote.
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I understand that some people have put much effort into the Bizhawk emulator. But to me this "note" sure seems like smearing a superb TAS movie just because someone dislikes Gens. Audio issues? Where? Are those hellish sounds so bad you have to warn the viewer like it's some kind of a health hazard? Although I don't deny that Gens has somewhat buggy sound, IMHO you have to be an emulation veteran (or a still playing original console veteran) to even notice such a problem in this particular TAS.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Я вот что думаю про Comix Zone. Баг с выпадением Крысы из клетки мне кажется весьма непредсказуемым явлением. Во всяком случае, если следовать гипотезе R57Shell, что значение, позволяющее крысе упасть, оставлено процедурой распаковки чего-то, которая, так уж совпало, работала в той же области памяти, и где надо бросила нуль. Манипуляции, которые позволят кому-то упасть с панели без драки, могут потребоваться крайне точные, вплоть до того, как игра вообще управляет памятью. И даже если такое возможно, следует иметь ввиду, что крыса - один из тех персонажей, которые появляются на панели комикса сразу, как туда залезет Скетч. И в частности тех, кому вообще можно падать. Ряд таких персонажей Скетч и так устраняет очень быстро. А, к примеру, самой клетке, где крыса сидит вначале игры, падать нельзя, если крысу подобрать, стол опустится, а клетка в воздухе зависнет. Archanfel ее ломает чисто из стратегических интересов. Если не ломать, можно на нее встать и не дать Скетчу спуститься вниз после разрыва пола. Для персонажей, которых рисует Мортус, или для Стригглов, что вырастают из пола спустя время, такое поведение вообще может быть не свойственно. Что я хочу сказать, возможно, публикации стоит быть. Мне кажется, улучшения с такими трюками появятся нескоро и не для многих противников. Я, конечно, могу недооценивать возможности коммьюнити.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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I've heard that Fallout 1 also had a DOS version. I can only imagine the possibilities.
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Archanfel wrote:
Ok, let's begin our journey into Comix Zone. The first page is done!
TFW you have the Matrix.
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r57shell wrote:
По адресу 1DEB84 есть проверка $2A(A6) на 1, и если это не так, то пропускает проверку $26(A6) на меньше $F6 Так вот $26(A6) в обоих мувиках в том месте имеет значение EE. (по адресам FF69CA, FF65C6 в публикации и бажном соответственно) Но вот в публикации на эту вторую проверку он не попадает, потому что $2A(A6) не 1 а точнее $1D1, и поэтому попадает на другую, по которой уходит на код который обнуляет вертикальную скорость падения мыши - то есть она не падает. А в бажном $2A(A6) равна как раз 1, и он на проверке на меньше $F6 сразу прыгает на путь "ничего не делать", поэтому скорость не обновляет, а она растёт. Что интереснее, этот $2A в обоих случаях часто переписывается мусором. В публикации именно каким-то мусором там получается $1D1. Аналогично в бажном мувике каким-то мусором получается $1. Может кому получится найти как заставить там оказаться мусору, или кто-то поймёт что за мусор. Но судя по коду, в бажной версии туда попадает распакованный кусок архива.
Раз EE сразу меньше, предположу, что $F6 - значение, а не адрес. Исходя из этого, позволю себе поделиться парой домыслов. Я, признаться, об обратной инженерии больше мечтать могу, но тем не менее. Если представить себе предметный смысл таких проверок, мне это кажется похожим на проверку достижения падающим персонажем пола, чтобы в таком случае обнулить ему скорость. Тот факт, что прямо сейчас персонаж падает, определяется отдельным признаком в структуре данных состояния этого персонажа (объекта). Тот факт, что признак состояния падения жестко проверяется на равно 1 (как и наличие в "мусоре" данных, не касающихся логики игрового процесса), может указывать на то, что движок игры использует для отслеживания состояния объектов динамические структуры данных. Когда игра создает объект "крысу", возможно, она не инициализирует признак падения, подразумевая, что по умолчанию падать не надо, а после по совпадению, на выбранном месте в куче там оказывается "мусор", равный 1, и крыса сразу делается падающей. С другой стороны, по этой логике, любой подвижный персонаж в игре может при своем появлении с пренебрежимо малой вероятностью взять и провалиться... Почему не проваливаются друг в друга бочки и ящики? Возможно, без участия Скетча крыса спавнится неаккуратно. Возможно, что любая встреча с крысой может быть чревата таким падением ее сквозь пол. Возможно, я ошибаюсь, и был бы рад это признать, так как если я окажусь прав, симуляция проявления такого бага это Masterjun'инг какой-то.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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My addition to the wishlist Link to video
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I might not be the first one who've found it, yet here it is - The Devilution Project. Discussion on Reddit Sometime ago an enthusiast known as Galaxyhaxz made his goal to fully recreate Diablo 1 source code. He's not the first one to undertake such a task, but this time it's an open source project. After more than a thousand hours of work he has achieved such a level of detail that his GitHub project can be actually compiled into a working exe of the game (although it has some graphical issues). And he isn't going to stop at that. His sources included not only the debug build of the game left by the developers inside the MPQ archives, but also the Japanese release of the PS1 port which happened to include a file with the details about the source code structure (symbolic file). With this Galaxyhaxz was able to recover function names and variable types. Moreover, ago a beta of the port was found online. I believe that this source code could be of assistance to whoever might try to TAS the game in the future. Or maybe someone proficient at reverse engineering might even consider helping the project (details in ReadMe.MD). Also, here's the list detailing the general purpose of each source file (most of them) I've found somewhere awhile ago.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Link to video This is the speedrun Turok 2 PC at AGDQ 2018. A developer of the port was online and commented on some things that might be interesting.
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Post subject: Re: Demon Lord
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Warp wrote:
DrBaldhead wrote:
Just as a bit of fantasy, I'm imagining an idea of rewiring a disc-based console to a device which could simulate it's CD drive
I'm not sure that physically modding the console goes with the spirit of TASing. If we go that route, what else could we mod, that helps with TASes?
It's not about modding the console itself for easier TASing but rather modding its data input hardware. I don't really see much fundamental difference between the device used to acquire data from the player and the device to acquire data from an optical media. Both cases are about handling an unstable source of information which provides data at an undeterministic rate and the console has to get along with it. Sorry if I'm off topic.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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dwangoAC wrote:
Demon Lord wrote:
feos wrote:
dwangoAC wrote:
disc-based console run
There's been some progress with this idea recently. Post #451802 and most of that thread.
For a live event, maybe a camera pointed at the screen and some basic image recognition would work for a bot to wait for loading times (assuming a permissive enough RNG)?
What you are describing has been approached in a different way by using a vsync detect chip (with mixed success) but that extra information doesn't resolve the fundamental issue with console verification of disc-based consoles, namely that variations in disc loading times impacts RNG and results in non-deterministic behavior. Console verification requires absolute reproducibility. Good thought though!
Just as a bit of fantasy, I'm imagining an idea of rewiring a disc-based console to a device which could simulate it's CD drive allowing to provide loading at the same speed as the emulator does while using some flash card as the actual media. Although it depends on how the game actually accesses the disc. If it does that on purely software level, without trying to do driver-specific tasks like navigating the disk or data buffering, an emulation could be possible. A semi-real console for a semi-alive player :) Or a real console with pirating features...
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Would it be worth it to submit some of those whacky MK TAS'es at GDQ?
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 I've just remembered about my favorite Naruto game on PS2. Pros: - The least restricted world exploration gameplay in the series, as you are allowed to freely roam the whole village while running on walls almost like Spiderman, so there are tons of different routes; - Roleplay system which allows you to exchange jutsus between characters; - The most entertaining thing: both Sasuke and Kakashi are essentially Shang Tsungs since this implementation of Sharingan actually allows you to copy entire enemy moveset (including inner Sakura); Link to video
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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Well, for starters there's always the welcome page to try your writing skills out. Back in 2011 when the first efforts in translations were made, the following pages were considered important: * * * * Several other thoughts I'd like to share: 1. I'd also consider another important article: Since the article also describes the ways to contribute to the site besides TASing, such as torrent seeding, uploading, rating and so on. Actually, it might be a good idea to update the article with the info regarding the translation efforts. Not before such info is ready, of course. 2. Secondly, we need a place (eg. a forum topic or something) where all the translations (at least for the same language) could be listed along with the data about who is working on what article for which language (and someone has to update this data regularly), so we won't end up having several people doing the same task. Long story short, when you start translating an article, let people know that you're working on it. 3. The drafts for the publication can be shared via sites like, say, Pastebin: There might be a better way though. 4. It is recommended to refrain from submitting partial translations. 5. Lastly, an important thing. Getting started working on an article, DO NOT copy its visual representation as a source text. Instead, use the article's source text which you can get by clicking the link at the bottom of the page:
The source will contain markup tags so the result of your work could be already formatted.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
By the way, I think the top priority pages that need to be translated are the ones that already have a Russian version:
Right now we track the translations using this little thingy: Or, to be exact, its referrers list. I also usually list the articles I'm working on in this topic. My thanks to feos for the editing btw.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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YaLTeR wrote:
Запилил перевод LuaScripting:
Опубликовал по адресу: Спасибо за вклад :)
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Добавлены переводы для статей:
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PSX Diablo has modified graphics, the game speed setting which makes everything faster, and almost infinite potential for luck manipulation. Not to mention the multiplayer, which could be popular for RTA if saving/loading the game to/from the memory card didn't take ages compared to the PC version. I dare say, crazy things might be performed aside from the duping. Theoretically it might be possible to perform a TAS capable of competing WR runs without any duping as the player character would find everything he need along the way due to his super luck. Also it's worth mentioning that there are still 3 difficulty settings available.
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IMHO AGDQ 2017 TAS Block was spectacular. The only problem is, it wasn't really about gaming or even TASing, but about turning your NES into a makeshift soundcard and your SNES into a makeshift videocard. A fantastic result in terms of hacking the consoles, yet not much about superplays. Anyway, my thanks to the authors for their hard work, and I looking forward to see what insane journey they'll undertake for future events.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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После полугода бездействия, задался вдруг вопросом. А нет ли у кого мнения по теме того, куда бы нам дальше двигаться в части русификации, и стоит ли? Вроде как относительно важные статьи давно готовы. Спасибо Feos'у за усилия по редактированию. В принципе, я могу как обычно, взяться за случайную статью, но хотелось бы какого-то отклика.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.
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His fingers seem to move in sync with music, yet the guy with the coin box gives an impression that none of the sounds in the video are original to it. Still looks cool though.
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Done! Thank you Warepire.
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Dunno if it would be useful, yet I think I'll post my watches list. There's still plenty of things to be found though. User movie #33325253264843375 Additional info: 1. The "facing flags" have only visual effect. 2. The "Fighting condition" variable determines whether the character is alive, dead or frozen at the round start. 3. The "character" variables represent current character fighting. You can use it to change fighters during the battle, but without freezing it'll revert back at the start of the next round. 4. "Special" charges determine whether the character can or can't perform a special. The charge is accumulated by holding certain direction button and has a set max value for each character. When the charge is maxed, the player get's a bit of time to perform the special. Some additional notes on that: - All the characters have to charge. Yet Shredder, Leo and Hothead have very low charge values so they get their moves working almost immediately. - You can start accumulating the charge at almost any state, except the pause and few other conditions. - Raph has the option to start his special way before his charge is maxed. The value of charge accumulated will determine how far his attack will travel. - When the direction button is released, the charge isn't lost immediately, yet goes down rapidly. But it still enables Raph to max out his charge, perform some other moves and then activate the special. This may lead to some impressive cancels, considering it's possible to accumulate charge while performing the special. - It seems impossible to perform a special while ducking. So if the character gets charge by holding the "down" button, he has to wait several frames to get up before performing the move. This often leads new players to fail at specials. It should be noted that all characters are forced to duck before and after jumping (although jump punch seems to be an exception). - The pause button freezes the charge values. It doesn't seem to affect the way special are performed. The AI stops any activity during the pause, yet it seems to be impossible to affect his charge accumulation process. 5. The values at 0x0570 seem to be reflecting the current state of the character somehow, yet their logic is unknown to me. 6. The "Event Timer" at the end of the list is used to implement the time limit for such things as logo screen, demo mode and some other things. Freeze it during the demo and watch how AI actually tries to play story mode.
Totally irrelevant link My consoles: PS2 (PS1 as bw\c), NDS Lite (GBA as bw/c), 3DS XL, Wii U (vWii theoretically), PS4 slim.